John Ohala, 国际著名语音学家和音系学家、国际语音学会主席(1995-1999)、美国加州大学伯克莱分校语言学系教授。于1941年7月19日生于芝加哥。1969年毕业于
加州大学洛杉矶分校,师从Peter Ladefoged,取得博士学位。1970年始,从教于加州伯克利。
Ohala从上世纪八十年代便提倡用实验方法来研究音系学.OhalaOhala 1986).其优点不仅在于它的科学性及可 测试性,更在于它能更直接地去探索说话人的潜在音系知识,从而为生成音系理论 提供更可靠的数据基础.本章对实验音系学近年的发展及其对音系理论的影响作一 简单的概括和评述.
Ohala, J. J. 1983. The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints. In: P. F. MacNeilage (ed.), The production of speech. New York: Springer-Verlag. 189 - 216.
Ohala, J. J. 1981. The listener as a source of sound change. In: C. S. Masek, R. A. Hendrick, & M. F. Miller (eds.), Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior. Chicago: Chicago Ling. Soc. 178 - 203.
Ohala, J. J. & Riordan, C. J. 1979. Passive vocal tract enlargement during voiced stops. In: J. J. Wolf & D. H. Klatt (eds.), Speech communication papers. New York: Acoust. Soc. of Am. 89 - 92. [Abstract: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 65.S23 (1978).]
Ohala, J. J. 1987. Experimental phonology. Proc. Ann. Meeting, Berkeley Ling. Soc. 13.207-222
Ohala, J. J. 1990. The phonetics and phonology of aspects of assimilation. [And: A response to Pierrehumbert's commentary] In J. Kingston & M. Beckman (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between the grammar and the physics of speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 258-275; 280-282.
Ohala, J. J. 1995. A probable case of clicks influencing the sound patterns of some European languages. Phonetica 52.160-170.